Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Acts 2:24

I came across this verse referenced in a book I was
reading, and even though I’d seen it many times
before, this time it really caught my attention.
”But God raised him from the dead,
freeing him from the agony of death, because it was
impossible for death to keep its hold on him. “

I looked in other versions to see what word they used
instead of agony, and found pains, pangs, and suffering.
None of these things are good things! Death is not
meant to be a good thing. Romans 5:12--sin entered
the world through one man and death through sin, and
in this way death came to all people because all sinned.
So death is this big bad repercussion that we all earn,
and it is meant to be an agony that we all go through. 

But it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Jesus.
Not even possible! Like trying to keep carbonation from
rising to the top of your glass of soda--or your champagne.
Or like trying to keep an air-filled ball submerged in a
swimming pool. It can’t stay down--it just goes POP
up to the top and freedom. 

I love the fact that Jesus was irrepressible--he just could
not stay dead. Of course, this is because death came for
all people because all sinned. But Jesus never sinned so
death had nothing it could grab onto, and so it couldn’t
keep its hold on him. Not. Even. Possible. Honestly, that
kind of makes me laugh--ah HA Death! 

So what about us? Yes, we die, because we are part of
sinful humanity. Even though the sins of Christians are
forgiven--put away as far from us as east is from west--
the fact remains that we did sin, as all humans do. So
death waits for all of us regardless. 

But the Bible talks in Revelation about two deaths. We all
go through the first one, but 20:6 says that the second has
no power over us, because we are God’s children and
Jesus’ sisters and bride. He presents us washed clean
and pure, so the second death has nothing to grab onto.
Once we go through death once, we never go through it
again. We will be irrepressible, like the bubbles in
champagne. I love this thought--it fills me with gladness.

Love, Spud

1 comment:

Sue Kroeger said...

Acts 2:24 reads with new effervescence - thanks for sharing your insights on this!